What we eat and drink has a massive impact on our performance, motivation, recovery, concentration levels and pretty much everything we do. There are a certain foods, supplements and drinks I use to aid my performance and recovery time.
Cherry active is a concentrated cherry drink. There are a number of benefits associated in taking cherry active. Cherries are an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory that can increase muscle strength and reduce soreness. I use it after an intense workout or after an ultra.
Beet Active is a concentrated beetroot drink that is also rich in nutrients. The benefits of Beet Active include improved blood flow, lower blood pressure, and increased exercise performance. Recent studies have shown that beetroot improves oxygen efficiency and boosts the muscles' blood supply. It is worth taking Beet Active about 2.5 hours before a race or long training session to boost your aerobic performance.
There is a high demand for energy when competing in an endurance events. Sometimes it is difficult to get calories needed during races. Chia charge bars are high calorie dense that contains a fast energy boost and slow burning carbs. This is important in order to replace glycogen stores and keep up energy levels. It is food that I often use for many different endurance events and is a product that works for me.
When exercising we lose electrolytes through our sweat. So it is very important to replace these lost electrolytes. Nuun is a brand that I have always used.
Salt sticks are another way of replacing electrolytes if you don’t like to consume them in a drink. They are chewable tablets that taste better than they sound. I like to use them and they work for me.
If you don’t want to spend much money then Himalayan rock salt is a good alternative for replacing your electrolytes. They have a higher mineral content than refined table salt. You can but it in your food and drink to replace your electrolytes. It is probably the most natural way of replacing electrolytes.